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Amanda Selogie, ESQ.
Amanda Selogie received a degree in Child and Adolescent Development, specializing in Education from California State University, Northridge and a Juris Doctorate from Whittier Law School. While at WLS, Amanda was a Fellow in the prestigious Center for Children's Rights Fellowship Program, served in the school's pro-bono Special Education Legal Clinic, and as Research Editor of the Journal of Child and Family Advocacy.
Amanda co-founded a boutique civil rights litigation firm, Selogie and Brett, LLP specializing in specific civil rights issues on behalf of children living with special needs and co-founded the Inclusive Education Project, a legal advocacy 501(c)3 non-profit organization focused on educating families on their legal rights to their child's education and providing pro-bono legal aide to low income families in California.
Amanda immersed herself in the world of civil rights and educational advocacy as a supervising attorney for UCI Law School's Education Rights Pro-bono project, and being appointed to the Orange County Child Care and Development Planning Council where she is currently serving on their Inclusion Collaborative Committee and outside of work, where she serves as a coach to an AYSO VIP (Very Important Player) program where she not only coaches players living with disabilities, but has established an inclusive program with typical peers and mainstream teams.
Amanda's career did not begin, nor has it continued as a focus just on the practice of law - but as a tool to advocate for those who cannot advocate for themselves, to fight for all children to have a voice. She believes that children should be recognized and supported by the abilities and the facets of their being that makes them who they are, and makes them special, rather than what their disabilities may be.
She focuses her practice, and her work on each individual child on the child first, who they are and that each one deserves the opportunity for an equal education. She takes that passion with her to each IEP meeting she attends, each case she fights for and for every family that walks through her office doors.
Vickie Brett, ESQ.
Vickie Brett was born and raised in Southern California. Vickie attended UC Riverside and received a Bachelor Arts in Political Science with a minor in Philosophy before becoming a very active Whittier Law School student and alumnus.
Vickie’s commitment to community service is embodied in the legal advocacy 501(c)3 non-profit she co-founded. The Inclusive Education Project focuses on educating families about the legal rights their children living with special needs are entitled to and it also provides pro-bono legal aid to low income families in California.
Through the law firm, Inclusive Education Project, Vickie is committed to strengthening her clients who come to her disheartened and beaten down by the current education system. Because Vickie is bilingual, she represents and empowers many monolingual Spanish-speaking families living in Southern California.
Moreover, she is a dedicated pro bono attorney for Public Law Center, the Alliance for Children’s Rights and the Superior Court of Los Angeles’s Juvenile and Dependency 317(e) Panel. Most recently Vickie became a supervisor for the UCI Law School’s Pro Bono Special Education Law Project. In the past, Vickie was also a supervising attorney for the UCI Law School's Pro Bono Special Education Law Project where she oversaw law school students who attended IEP meetings for many OC families for free.​

Liam, Service Dog
Liam is the silliest - and hungriest - member of the Inclusive Education Project team. He has gone through extensive training to learn how to best support - and advocate for - children living with disabilities. Liam's life mission is to spread disability awareness and inclusion initiatives across the world. Plus, he is a great addition to our IEP client meetings.
Service dogs are trained to assist a person with disabilities in their tasks and daily life. This can include guiding people who are blind, signaling sounds for those who are deaf, retrieving items for those with mobility constraints, and much more!
In addition to physical support, service dogs also provide emotional support and stability for mental health and wellbeing. Liam provides unconditional love, friendship and comfort to everyone he meets.
Come stop by our office and give him a hug!